Guyabano Tea Leaves Health Benefits

The Guyabano Tea leaves is said to have many health benefits. Guyabano tea is  made from dried Guyabano leaves and is said to cure many diseases including hypertension, diabetes, cancer and is now also considered as a good weight loss  alternative. You can also boil fresh Guyabano leaves and drink it as your tea.You can find many articles in the internet about the benefit of drinking boiled Guyabano leaves.  My information about the many health benefit on drinking boiled Guyabano leaves is however closer to home as several of my relatives have been drinking boiled Guyabano leaves and they are now feeling great and healthier than ever as compared before they took to drinking this concoction.

Picture of Guyabano Leaves
We have several fruit bearing Guyabano trees in our backyard and aside from our relatives, people would ask us for their leaves.  We had been sharing the leaves of our Guyabano trees for people who are sick. An uncle who has been  constantly suffering from abdominal pain   preventing him from personally managing his business is now so happy that he no longer suffer the pain in his stomach, a week after drinking boiled Guyabano leaves every morning.  Profusely thanking us, he then asked for a Guyabano fruit so that his family can prepare a blended Guyabano juice drink and plant the seeds on their  backyard to have their own Guyabano tree.

Picture of a Guyabano Fruit
Guyabano fruit is nice to eat and very healthy to the body. Most of the time however, we  blend the fruit and add sugar to make it more tasty with several crushed ice.  A ripened Guyabano fruit has a sweet and sour milky taste with delightful fibery texture. And just like itsthis is  leaves, it helps your body fight off diseases like high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, cancer and lately, it has been considered as a good alternative to weight loss. The importance of  Guyabano had made us decide to plant more Guyabano seedlings in our backyard.  Below is a picture of a Guyabano seedling we are about to plant.

 A public school teacher whom we had been giving Guyabano leaves for several months now had told us how her urinary problem normalized with the help of Guyabano leaves which she boils and uses as her drinking water whenever she feels thirsty at home or at school. She further revealed that the Guyabano water that she drinks not only made her more active but also made her consume less food  as she always feel full thus shedding away her body fats.  Finally, she told us if we could spare more leaves as several of her co-teachers who wanted to lose weight will be coming over to ask for leaves they will also use. This is how I personally experienced the health benefits of Guyabano Tea Leaves.

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