Make Boiled Guyabano Leaves As Your Drinking Water

Is it alright to make boiled Guyabano leaves as your drinking water?  As I mentioned in my previous post, a school teacher when thirsty, drinks water from her boiled Guyabano leaves. She said it cured her renal problems thereby saving her money from a scheduled medical check-up which is now very costly. She also believes that her practice of drinking the water from boiled Guyabano leaves  is the reason why she is now more active in her daily task at home or at school and more important her, belly fat which she says is a  problem to look at, is now slowly but steadily reducing, making her fellow female school teachers envious of her now new body form.

Container With Boiled Guyabano Leaves

Regarding her cured renal problem, we believe her as boiled Guyabano leaves is known to cure subject illness. But weight loss, I was in doubt at first until several of her fellow teachers and friends who asked us leaves from our Guyabano trees told us so, the reason why they are here to ask for the leaves they will also use for their own drinking water.

A Glass Of Water From Boiled Guyabano Leaves

As related to me, this is the procedure on how to go about using boiled Guyabano leaves for their drinking water.  First, select 40 healthy leaves and clean them on both sides. After the selection and cleaning, proceed to boil 6 liters of drinking water. For exact measurement of the water volume, you can buy  a 6 liter mineral water sold in various grocery stores and use it for boiling.  You can use it for your first try after which you can just use ordinary tap water to save on cost.

Upon boiling, place the Guyabano leaves  and be sure to close the opening of the boiling water container securely.The purpose is to trap the  the beneficial elements of the Guyabano leaves in the water vapor from escaping.  Boil for not less than 5 minutes but not more than 10 minutes.  Let it cool for several hours before transferring it into a container for drinking.

If you plan to boil 3 liters of water you can use 20 leaves but still, the desired number should be 40 leaves. Also, be sure that the color of the boiled water should be dark grey like the picture above of a glass of water from boiled Guyabano leaves.


  1. i used 21 leaves and 2 cups water... i drink empty stomach

  2. What is the difference between the two pictures above? Is the gray one healthier? Thank you.
