Guyabano Leaves - A Healing And Weight Loss Wonder?

Indeed, is Guyabano leaves a healing and weight loss wonder? Consider this. A month
ago, I wrote a post about a teacher in our place who  boils Guyabano leaves and uses the
boiled water after it cools down as her drinking water. Her purpose then as she confided
 to us when she asked for leaves from our Guyabano tree was for her renal problem and
for slimming purposes.  She further revealed at that time that her practice of using the
cooled boiled waters with Guyabano leaves had remarkably helped in reducing the fats in
 her abdomen.

Interested in planting your own Guyabano? We are selling ready to plant Guyabano seeds. Email us at

Actually, I did not take it seriously then. But when I saw her again the other day when she
requested  to ask for another  fresh supply of leaves, I was surprised to see her wearing a
casual shirt tucked in a midnight blue pajama jeans. The plumpness of her body seemed to
have vanished replaced by a slender one, making her look younger  and smart.  "Wow"  I
 commented and congratulated her right away for her looks.

It seemed however, that the  news about her use of boiled Guyabano leaves water as her
drinking water had turned many teachers at her school as adherents to her practice  because
of her new figure. Our family soon realized that although this is a welcome development
as our Guyabano trees can now help cure the illnesses of people, and also provide for a way
to make them lose fat, the supply of leaves from our Guyabano trees might prove
inadequate if a lot of people will be asking for them since we freely give them out.

In this respect, we now have begun regulating the free giving out of our Guyabano leaves to
sick people who need them most. We also have helped several people here in the Philippines
who sent us emails requesting for leaves which we sent to their respective addresses through
cargo forwarders for free and for which they only shoulder the delivery charges.

Regarding the effectiveness of drinking the waters from boiled Guyabano leaves for weight
loss I think it might be because of the cleansing and anti oxidant  effect it has particularly in our digestive system. With regards to the so many reported cured cases of cancer and other related serious illnesses that are posted in the Internet  and reportedly cured through drinking the water from boiled Guyabano leaves, a scientific research conducted  in1976 by the National Cancer Institute showed that Guyabano's leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells.

Further. a scientific research on Guyabano that resulted in the publication of a report in the Journal of Natural Products, pointed to a component of Guyabano scientifically known as Annona Muricata was discovered to selectively kill colon cancer cells at 10,000 times the potency of Adriamycin, the most commonly used chemotherapy drug. Importantly, it was discovered that aside from targeting cancer cells and killing them it leaves healthy cells untouched.

Can you imagine that? Guyabano is indeed a healing and weight loss wonder because it is unlike chemotheraphy which indiscriminately targets all cells to include healthy ones including stomach and hair cells thus resulting to nausea and hair loss. A devastating side effects really, for those who submitted themselves for chemotheraphy.

No wonder then why several people I know who are cancer sufferers are now boiling Guyabano leaves and drinking the waters as a way of curing their illnesses. And just recently, a study at Purdue University found that Guyabano leaves is very effective in killing human cancer cells and is most effective in attacking and annihilating  prostate, pancreatic and lung cancer cells.